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How to get a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep is crucial to health, crucial for a strong immune system and a clear, calm mind. But with everything going on in the world right now, sleep has been one of the first things to go for many people.

In a time where we feel out of control in many aspects, there are some simple rules you can implement to optimize your sleep.

  1. Routine: Our bodies love routine. Even if you are working from home (or not working), set an alarm to get up the same time everyday. Then set a reminder to go to bed at the same time every night.

  2. Morning Daylight: 30 minutes after waking, expose yourself to day light (even if it's not sunny this is important). Get outside for a quick (socially-distanced) walk, sit on your deck or use a sun lamp.

  3. Avoid Caffeine after Noon: Some people are so sensitive that they should avoid it all together (you can test your genes to see if you are a poor detoxifier of caffeine). But regardless it will decrease the quality of your sleep even if you aren’t sensitive.

  4. Eat a Light Dinner: Your biggest meal should be lunch, contrary to what most people do. Try to eat a lighter dinner at least 3 hours before bed to ensure time to finish digest and a deeper sleep.

  5. No Blue Light: At least 2 hours before bed avoid blue light from your electronics (phones, computer, TV). Ideally completely unplug, but if you cant use blue light blocking glasses or a an app such as Flux to decrease the blue light emitted.

  6. Lower the Temp: We should sleep in a cooler environment, this also signals to our bodies it is time to rest. Turn down the thermostat a few hours before bed or open the window for a breeze.

  7. Stop that Racing Mind: find a way that works for you to wind down before bed; gentle stretching, a bath, journalling, reading or meditation. If you release the stress of the day before you get into bed there is less of a chance your mind will start racing as soon as its bedtime.

  8. Sleep in Complete Darkness: This is for the same reason as the above tip; our bodies need complete darkness to release melatonin.

If you have tried to implement these and are still having trouble, there can be more going on. A Naturopathic Consult can help us get to the bottom of it so you can get back to restful sleeps.

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